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Shade/Wet Plants Currently Available by Species

(Note: any item listed as temporarily sold out means that we expect to have them available again in the next 12 months. Please check back later in the year or contact us to reserve plants/seeds of these species.)

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Seeds Plants
Gift Certificate

Toadshade Wildflower Farm Hat

Acorus americanus
American Sweetflag

Arisaema triphyllum

Carex crinita var. crinita
Fringed Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex grayi
Bur Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex lupulina
Hop Sedge

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Carex lurida
Shallow Sedge

$5.00 $12.75
Carex typhina
Cattail sedge

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Cephalanthus occidentalis

$5.00 $17.75
Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Cornus racemosa
Red-panicled Dogwood

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Lysimachia ciliata
Fringed loosestrife

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Seeds Temporarily Sold Out
Maianthemum canadense
Canada Mayflower

Peltandra virginica
Green Arrow Arum

Seed Temporarily Sold Out
Pilea pumila
Canadian Clearweed

Quercus macrocarpa
Bur Oak

Solidago patula var. patula
Roundleaf Goldenrod

$5.00 $13.25
Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides
Northern Wild Raisin

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Viburnum nudum var. nudum
Possumhaw Viburnum

Plants Temporarily Sold Out
Viola lanceolata
Lance-leaved Violet

Seed Temporarily Sold Out

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