Franklin Tree Picture

This extraordinary small tree/large shrub has been extinct in the wild since 1803, shortly after the famed botanist John Bartram discovered it in 1765 and collected some seeds in SE Georgia along the Altamaha River in 1773. Large white fragrant flowers (up to 3 inches across) with prominent yellow stamens are produced from early August through September, the large glossy leaves turn red/orange/purple in fall, grows with either a single trunk or multi-stemmed with upright spreading branches producing a rounded crown, prefers rich slightly acid soil and consistent moisture (well drained). Host plant to the fabulous Promethea Silkmoth (Callosamia promethea). Attracts hummingbirds. Protect this plant for the first several winters after planting and make sure the soil does not dry out in the summer, and you will be rewarded with a truly outstanding small tree that now only exists as offspring of the seeds that John Bartram and his son collected back in 1773.

Average Moisture
Sun To Part Shade
10-20 foot tall
Plant Hardiness Zones: 5a-8b

Native Range: above the banks of the Altamaha River, McIntosh County GA. Extinct in the wild

Franklin Tree < 6 inch tall in a half gallon pot $19.75
Franklin Tree 6-12 inch tall in a half gallon pot $20.25

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